One of the basic activities related to investment planning is choosing the right location and proper assessment of the economic potential. In this regard, the City Hall provides extensive support and assistance. The Świecie Commune offers support for entrepreneurs interested in implementing investments.


• assistance in completing administrative procedures providing information and data needed by the investor;
• organization of investor's site visits;
• organizacja wizyt inwestora w terenie;
• Part of the area is under the patronage of the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone, which means that the land is well prepared and advantageously located, and in accordance with the provisions of the agreement, if an investor is found in the indicated area, the procedure of including the land with the borders of the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone will be launched;
• tax breaks

Investor service – Monika Budzowska tel. 52 33 32 330 , +48 695 621 560
Sale and lease of land, land use: Wiesław Ratkowski 52 333 23 40, +48 695 621 561 


Kuyavian-Pomeranian Investor Assistance Center  
Marshal's Office of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship
Teatralny Square 2
87-100 Toruń
Room 445A (3rd floor)
Work hours
Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays: 7.30-15.30
Tuesdays: 7.30-17.00
Fridays: 7.30-14.00

- partial financial support under the Regional Operational Program for the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship for 2014-2020

- partial support for creating new jobs for the unemployed, disabled, support for recruitment and training processes


Polish Investment and Trade Agency S.A
Bagatela 12 STREET; 00-585 Warsaw
Fax: +48 22 334 9889
e-mail for investors: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Working hours
Monday-Friday 8: 00-16: 00

Investment Support Program of significant importance for the Polish economy for 2011-2023 "(employment and investment grant). Possibility of tax exemptions (from income tax under Special Economic Zones and from property tax), or instruments co-financed from European Funds.

Detailed information on support can be found at:

• Support under the "Program for supporting investments of significant importance for the Polish economy for 2014-2020"

• Support under sectoral Operational Programs